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智慧篇 Wisdom
1智慧使他们的事业,在圣先知的手下进行顺利:1Wisdom gave success to their actions through a holy prophet;
2他们走过了无人烟的荒野,在无路的荒野,支搭了帐幕;2they crossed an uninhabited wilderness and pitched camp in inaccessible places.
3与敌军对峙,击退了敌人。3They stood up to their enemies and fought off the hostile.
4他们渴时,呼求了你,巖石就给他们流出了清泉,磐石解决了他们的口渴。4When they were thirsty they called on you and you gave them water from hard flint, from a rocky cliff, a welcome relief for the parched.
5他们的敌人在什么事上受罚,他们就在那种困难中受到爱护。5The same creatures you used to punish their enemies were of benefit to them in their trouble.
6【敌人缺少的,以色列人却常有不缺。】6For their enemies an ever-flowing source of river water was polluted with blood -
7为惩罚埃及人颁发杀害婴儿的命令,常流的江河,混入了鲜血污泥,7a stern response to the decree ordering the slaughter of infants. But, against all hope, you gave your people water in abundance,
8你却出乎众望,另赐给了以色列人丰富的水;8showing them by the thirst they suffered, how you had punished their enemies.
9他们藉著当时的口渴,可以明了你怎样惩罚了他们的仇人。9Their trials were no more than merciful reproofs. Through them, your people learned how severely the wicked were judged and punished.
10以色列人固然受了试探,但这只是出乎仁爱的惩戒,要他们明了不虔敬的人,在天主义怒的审判之下,怎样受了惩罚;10You tested them as does a father, while you examined their enemies like a stern king.
11因为你考验以色列人,自来就像一个规劝的父亲;你审问埃及人,却像一位定罪的严厉君王。11Their enemies suffered at the time and also later.
12以色列人不论在的时候,或远去的时候,埃及人都同样遭受痛苦。12When they remembered the past, theirs was a double grief and groaning.
13他们因受双重的苦恼夹击,一回忆往事,便呻吟叹息;13They came to see that it was the work of the Lord when they realized that their punishment had benefited the others.
14因为当他们一听说自己的刑罚,反成了别人的利益,便知这是上主的作为。14Long before, they had exposed Moses; they had rejected him in derision; but now they admired him because of what had happened, and after they had suffered a thirst far different from that of the righteous.
15埃及人以前所抛弃,所放逐,所讥笑的人,在事后反为他们惊奇不已,因为他们的口渴,究竟与义人不同。15Their wickedness and foolish ideas led them astray, even to worshiping snakes and other repugnant animals; this is why you sent them hordes of similar creatures,
16他们因愚昧与邪恶的思想,走入了歧途,崇拜了无灵的爬虫和贱兽,你就派遣了成群的无灵的动物,来惩罚他们,16teaching them that punishment takes the same form as the sin.
17叫他们知道,人用什么来犯罪,就用什么来罚他。17In fact, your almighty power that created the world from formless matter did not lack means to unleash upon them bears and savage lions,
18因为,你全能的手,既能从无定形的原质中,造出了世界,也不难为他们遣来许多狗熊或猛狮,18or monsters freshly created, unknown and full of fury, breathing fire or noisily spitting smoke or flashing fearful sparks from their eyes,
19或新造而不知名的残暴猛兽,喷射火焰,放射毒气,两眼闪烁可怕的火星。19creatures not only capable of destroying them at a single blow but whose mere appearance could make them die of fright.
20这些猛兽,不但能肆虐将他们消灭,即连他们恐怖的形状,也能把人吓死。20Even without this, they could have dropped dead at a single breath if pursued by your justice, or dispersed by the breath of your might; but you ordered all with measure, number and weight.
21即使没有牠们,因你一口气,埃及人也会死亡,因你正义的追击,他们必为你大能的气息所卷去;但你处置一切,原有一定的尺度、数目和衡量。21You are able to show your power at any moment and who can resist the strength of your arm?
22你随时可用你的大能,有谁能抵抗你有力的手臂?22For the entire world lies before you, just enough to tip the scales, a drop of morning dew falling on the ground.
23整个世界,在你跟前,宛如天秤上的一粒尘沙,落在地面上的一滴朝露。23But because you are almighty, you are merciful to all; you overlook sins and give your children time to repent.
24但是,你怜悯众生,因为你是无所不能的,你假装看不见人罪,是为叫罪人悔改。24You love everything that exists and hate nothing that you have made; had you hated anything, you would not have formed it.
25的确,你爱一切所有,不恨你所造的;如果你憎恨什么,你必不会造它。25How could anything endure if you did not will it? And how could anything last that you had not willed?
26如果你不愿意,甚么东西能够存在?如果你不吩咐,甚么东西能够保全?26You have compassion on all because all is yours, O Lord, lover of life.
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