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德训篇 Sirach
1谴责胜于发怒;凡承认过错的,必能保全自己不受损害。1There are rebukes which are inopportune; there is the silence of a sensible man.
2阉人想奸污处女,2Better to rebuke than nurse a grudge. He who recognizes his fault diminishes its consequences.
3就如用暴力施行不公平的审判。3Like a eunuch desiring to violate a girl, such is he who uses force in pretending to be just.
4受责而表示悔改,是多么美好!若能如此,你便可以躲避故意的罪。4One keeps silent and is thought to be wise, the other makes himself hated because of his gossiping.
5有的人缄口不言,而被认为是智慧人;有的人因为多言,而为人所憎恶。5One remains silent because he does not know how to reply; the other keeps quiet, waiting for the right moment.
6有的人不出声,是因为他不知所答;有的人不出声,是因为他知道何时该说话。6The wise man keeps silent until the right moment; the chatterer and fool speak out of turn.
7明智人缄口不言,直等相宜的时候;自夸和愚昧的人,却不看时机。7He who speaks too much makes himself hated; he who wishes to impose himself stirs up ill will.
8多言的人,必招人厌恶;专权的人,必被人恼恨。8Man can turn his troubles to his advantage; a lucky chance can turn to loss.
9有的人在患难中,得到成功;有的人在顺境中,反而失败。9There is a type of generosity which will not reward you and another which will repay you double.
10有的餽赠,为你没有益处;有的餽赠,却获得双倍的酬报。10One is humiliated for having had honors; another is humiliated, and then lifts up his head.
11有的屈辱来自尊荣,但也有人从卑微中抬起了头。11One buys much with little money; another pays seven times its value.
12有的人用低价大批收买,然而却因此赔了七倍。12The wise man makes himself lovable through his words alone, while the favors of the fool are lost.
13明智人说话,叫人喜爱;愚昧的人温和,却是白费。13The fool's gift is not to your advantage; he gives with greedy eyes.
14愚昧人的礼物,为你没有益处,因为他不是睁著一只眼,而是睁著七只眼。14He gives little but puts on a great outward appearance and exclaims for all to hear; he lends today and recovers the loan tomorrow; he is a despicable man.
15他给的少,而责难的却多;他张开口,就如一个传令员。15The fool says, "I have no friends, no one welcomes my favors.
16今日借钱,明日就要还。像这样的人,实在可恨。16Those who eat my bread have evil tongues." How often they will mock him, and by how many!
17愚人说:「我没有朋友;我做好事,也得不到感谢。」17Better to stumble on the ground than to make a slip with the tongue; this is how easily the wicked fall.
18吃他饭的人,口舌欺人。多少次,多少人要讥笑他呢?18The rough-mannered man is like an indiscreet story that ill-mannered people tell out of time.
19愚昧人对自己拥有的东西,还不正经使用,对不是他所有的东西,就更漠不关心了。19The proverb told by a fool will fail, since he does not speak it at an appropriate time.
20跌倒地下,比失言更好;恶人的崩溃,常是忽然而来的。20One keeps himself from sin because he does not have the means to act; when he gets the chance, he will have no remorse.
21无礼的人,好像无知的人口中,不断重述的一个乏味的故事。21One loses his soul out of false shame; he loses himself for fear of what a foolish man thinks.
22出自愚人口中的比喻,不受欢迎,因为他说的不合时机。22Out of false shame he wants to win a friend; he gets an enemy, in fact, for nothing.
23有人因贫乏不能犯罪,所以在安静中,不感到良心的剌激。23Lying is a shameful defect in a man; fools are used to it.
24有人因害羞而损害自己,因愚昧的顾虑而牺牲自己,因顾及情面而使自己丧亡。24Better to be a thief than a liar, yet both are heading for disaster.
25有人因害羞而对朋友应许过甚,无故使他成了仇人。25Habitual lying is detestable; disgrace never leaves the liar.
26谎言为人是一种可恶的污点,然而常在无知人的口里。26The wise man's words advance his cause; the shrewd man will gain favor with the powerful.
27盗贼也比一个常说谎的人好,但是这两等人将承受的,都是灭亡。27He who tills the earth increases his produce; he who pleases the great is forgiven his wickedness.
28说谎人的品行,是不光彩的,耻辱常在他们身上。28Presents and gifts blind a wise man's eyes; like a muzzle they silence the conscientious.
29智慧人在言谈上,必增高自己的身价;明智人,会使伟人喜悦。29Concealed wisdom and hidden treasure: what good are these?
30耕种田地的,必使自己的收获堆积如山;行正义的,必被举扬;使伟人喜悦的,过错必蒙宽恕。30The man who conceals his stupidity is better than one who conceals his wisdom.
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