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圣咏集 Psalms
1阿撒夫的诗歌。1Do not be silent, O God, hold not your peace, be not unmoved!
2上主,求你不要一言不发,天主,求你不要静默无话!2See how your enemies are astir; those who hate you rear their heads.
3因为你的仇敌骚扰狂吼,恼恨你的人都摇头昂首;3Craftily they plot against your people, they conspire against those you protect.
4相聚密谋,陷害你的百姓,商议攻击你保护的人民,4They say, "Let us finish them as a nation. Let the name of Israel be forgotten!"
5说:「大家来,由万民中将他们驱散,使以色列的名字不再被记念。」5With one heart they devise a scheme and form an alliance against you:
6于是,他们心齐谋同,缔结盟约,向你进攻,6the people of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the progeny of Hagar,
7即厄东部落及依市玛耳,又有摩阿布以及哈革尔。7Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, Philistia, with the people of Tyre.
8还有革巴耳、阿孟和阿玛肋克人,且有培肋舍特人和提洛的居民,8Those from Sur are in league with them and lend support to Lot's descendants.
9亚述人也与他们串通,作了罗特子民的帮凶。(休止)9Deal with them as you did with Midian, with Sisera and Yabin at the river Kishon;
10求你对待他们像对待米德杨人,像在克雄河对待息色辣和雅宾,10they perished at Endor and became dung for the ground.
11他们都丧亡于恩多尔,全变成了田里的粪泥,11Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb, all their chiefs like Zebah and Zalmunna,
12使他们的王侯要与敖勒布和则厄布一样,使他们的将领与则巴黑和匝耳慕纳一样,12who said, "Let us seize the pasture lands of God."
13因为他们都曾如此说过:我们去占领天主的住所。13O my God, make them like leaves caught in a whirlwind, like chaff helpless before the wind.
14我的天主,求你使他们像旋风卷起的落叶,求你使他们像狂风吹起的碎稭,14As fire consumes the forest, as flames set the mountains ablaze,
15好像被火燐焚烧的树林,又似被火燄燃烧的山陵;15drive them out with your tempest and terrify them with your storm.
16求你也这样以你的飓风驱散他们,以你的暴雨惊吓他们。16Cover their faces with shame, O Lord, that they may seek your name.
17上主,求你羞辱他们的面容,是为叫他们寻求你的圣名;17Let them be dismayed and abashed forever; let them perish in disgrace.
18使他们永远受辱恐慌,叫他们个个蒙羞丧亡。18Let them know that you alone, whose name is the Lord, are the Most High over all the world.
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